ليونيلو بامبو بطانية رمادي بطانية – بطانية

ليونيلو بامبو بطانية رمادي بطانية – بطانية

JOD 22.000

رمز المنتج: 5903771702614-1 التصنيف :

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Relaxing naps with Lionelo Bamboo Blanket

من المؤكد أن بطانية الخيزران – بطانية الخيزران ليونيلو – ستكون مفيدة بالتأكيد للأطفال حديثي الولادة. إنها عالمية للغاية. It can well be used to wrap the baby while it is taking a nap at home, outdoors or in the car. بفضل خصائصه الاسترطابية، فهو قادر على امتصاص الرطوبة بشكل مثالي، ويمكنه التنفس لمنع تراكم الروائح الكريهة.

Lionelo Bamboo Blanket Grey - blanket

Soft bamboo textile

Lionelo Bamboo Blanket is made of natural certified bamboo fibers. Additionally the blanket offers thermo-regulating properties – provides warmth and secures against overheating. It can cool in summer and warm up in winter.

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Safe manufacture

Chemical tests have confirmed absence of harmful chemicals, which means that the blanket is suitable for babies with atopic dermatitis (AD). Bamboo fibers have a natural active substance which hinders growth of microorganisms and fungi. For this reason bamboo nappies are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and safe for allergy sufferers.

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Perfect for any cot

Lionelo Bamboo Blanket, a woven product, is available in three subdued colors. A traditional weave, referring to Scandinavian rugs, is in ideal harmony with other baby items. The product can be washed in the washing machine at the temperature of 30°C.

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Lionelo Bamboo Blanket